AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thoughts on April 20, 2006

Silvia Hotel in Houston, Texas

Main Street in Maricopa, AZ

"..Gizmo doing tricks..."

"...I'm such a silly little rabbit but I'm cute..."

I woke up early today. I was awake at 4.30 am. I went to bed kind of early last night to make up for the sleep that I lost over the past few days/weeks however this didn't quite work out the way I planned I guess.

Today is Thursday and I'm getting ready for a new day here in Phoenix. I just took a shower and fed my rabbit. He is so lovable. I will be going to Starbucks here in a few minutes - I need to give into my addiction I guess.

I'm truly looking forward to the weekend. It will be a nice one and I will enjoy myself to the fullest.

I'm pretty busy at work right now as I'm planning our annual Staff Meeting for all my boss's Direct Reports. We will be going to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Wishing myself and everyone else a great, wonderful and truly blessed day. Silvia


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