AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thoughts on April 21, 2006

Good Morning,

I just woke up - had an okay night, didn't sleep too well anymore after 3.30 am but that is okay - today is Friday and tomorrow I will be able to sleep in.

I'm excited - it is the weekend and I have been looking forward to it and now it is finially here. It will be in the low ninties on Saturday and low eighties on Sunday which is perfect.

I will have to get my car washed today it looks terrible. I have to get ready for work here in a few minutes.

Other than that - not much else going on today - just fed Gizmo some carrots and apples - he is so cute - he was sleeping outside in the backyard underneath the little orange tree and when I opened the balcony door I woke him up and he came running to the door - my cutie pie....

Wishing everyone and great and blessed weekend.... Silvia


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