AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Beginnings.....

I started a new job after being laid off from my old department in Corporate Security. Now I am with Business Credit. This is my second week and so far it has been good. My hours are a little more flexible than in the old job which is nice. Also I start work usually around 7.00 am and can leave around 4.00 pm. I am also taking another college class, it has been good as well. It is getting harder on me now to get my homework done since I am working full time again. But it will be fine. This was just a short update - it has been a while since I posted something. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

My Mocha Boy....

Hallo Alle Zusammen, dies ist mein erster Eintrag im Neuen Jahr 2008. Es war ein sehr anstrengedes Jahr fuer mich 2007. Ich werde versuchen im Mai dieses Jahres nach Deutschland zu fliegen, ich vermisse meine Familie so sehr nun und auch ueberhaupt meine Kultur. Ich habe meine Real Estate Kurse angefangen und auch beendet, nun muss ich nur noch die Zeit finden auch mal das Examen zu machen. Das neue Jahr hat gut angefangen mit meiner Schwester und ihrem Freund Florian. Ich war sehr froh!!!! Im Moment bin ich auf Arbeit, heute ist Freitag und das WE steht mir bevor, ich muss jedoch Hausaufgaben machen fuer meinen neuen Kurs den ich angefangen habe. Wuensche Euch allen ein schoenes WE und vielleicht bis bald mal wieder - emailt mir jederzeit! Oben ein Bild von meinem besten Freund, Mocha, obwohl ich ja frueher nie ein Hundefan war, so hat er es mir angetan und ich hab ihn so sehr ins Herz geschlossen. VlG, Silvia


Monday, November 12, 2007


Just wishing everyone a beautiful week!!!! A quick update - I started a REAL ESTATE CLASS at the local community college here. I graduated from the first one with a B, the second one is in progress, will see how it goes... not sure what to do with that yet but it feels good to be moving in a direction. My job is more stressful than ever, I am not enjoying it anymore at all, but what can I do at this point - probably the main reason why I do not update my Blog anymore the way I used to...Wishing everyone a great week....Hugs and Kisses from Arizona, Silvia

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Trying to figure things out....

It is Thursday afternoon here, I am at work, I am pretty much done for today but gotta sit here for another hour. I have been contemplating about my life and what it is what I really want and I just don't seem to be able to put my finger on it.... I know that I definitely want to go back to school to broaden my horizon but then there is the other part of me that would like a family. I am just not sure what direction to go, I don't know why this is so hard for me to figure out, I am almost thirty years old and don't know what I want out of life and feel as if my life is passing me by. I think about my past, back when I was still in Germany, the different life style I had... everything seemed so structured over there but at the same time I never felt in a hurry to make any decision on what to do with my life, now this has changed. I feel as if something is missing, at the same time I am not sure how to reach my goals, I cannot get much further in my career at this point and my privat life is pretty much non-existent too... I was invited to a wedding in Seattle in July - I am not sure yet whether I will be able to attend... Now since I wrote a whole lot about nothing I guess I will let you guys go and sorry that I have been boring today... had to vent somewhere I guess so why not in my blog.... :-) Everyone have a great Friday and an even better weekend. Hugs, Silvia

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What a Memorial Day Weekend...

Just a quick update regarding my Memorial Day Weekend.... I was in bed with a flu-like cold. Today I am back at work but I still don't feel much better..... in Germany I would just be off now and stay my butt in bed until I feel fine again, but over here you can forget about that, at least in my position, it really sucks. I saw "Black Hawk Down" over the weekend it was pretty good, I never really watched it before. It was Bill's birthday yesterday so we went out for lunch today, I couldn't taste anything but I guess it was good - it was free anyways.... wishing everyone a great week, at least it is a short one. Hugs, Silvia

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dallas, Texas

Hello Everyone, first off, I want to wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day Weekend... God - I am so glad that finially I will be off for longer than just a weekend..... cannot wait for this day to be over..... I just got back in town on Wednesday from our Staff Meeting in Dallas, Texas.... actually we were in Whitney, Texas at the WB Ranch ( but we flew into Dallas..... I had a great time. Yes it was work and meetings during the day, but the evenings made it all worthwhile... it was so quiet there, no noise, no traffic, no pollution...I breathed the cleanest air and I heard birds.... it was absolutely beautiful...maybe I should marry a cowboy and live somewhere on a ranch....:-) I think I inherited this from my Dad, he likes the outdoors and nature as well....I get so tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city....I feel like I have been here forever now.... time for a change? We shall see.... in Germany they have a holiday as well on Monday "Pfingsten"....Germany is great in regards to Holidays and vacation days..... I talked to my Dad for a little bit this morning..... now I need to get some work done around here... Love and Hugs from Phoenix to everyone.... (feel free to comment on my blog).... Silvia :-)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Anything exciting...?

MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada

Hello Everyone overseas and in the U.S..... it has been a while again.... not much new is going on though....still working in the same job, still working out and trying to eat healthy, still taking in day by day....:-) A couple of news maybe, Jeff is moving to Las Vegas... "Viva Las Vegas...." :-) He landed himself a government job there which is great.... and Las Vegas is a cool city.... at least as cool as Phoenix but with more to do :-) My sister and her boyfriend are coming to Phoenix on Thursday - I am really looking forward to that, it will be great. Daniela my best friend from Germany who is currently in Baltimore on a business trip will be here next week as well. We had really good weather here lately but today it actually got sort of chilly again, lots of wind too.... I have another hour here at work, I am really tired, Mountain Dew doesn't seem to do it either today.... Lots of hugs from Phoenix, Silvia