AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dallas, Texas

Hello Everyone, first off, I want to wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day Weekend... God - I am so glad that finially I will be off for longer than just a weekend..... cannot wait for this day to be over..... I just got back in town on Wednesday from our Staff Meeting in Dallas, Texas.... actually we were in Whitney, Texas at the WB Ranch ( but we flew into Dallas..... I had a great time. Yes it was work and meetings during the day, but the evenings made it all worthwhile... it was so quiet there, no noise, no traffic, no pollution...I breathed the cleanest air and I heard birds.... it was absolutely beautiful...maybe I should marry a cowboy and live somewhere on a ranch....:-) I think I inherited this from my Dad, he likes the outdoors and nature as well....I get so tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city....I feel like I have been here forever now.... time for a change? We shall see.... in Germany they have a holiday as well on Monday "Pfingsten"....Germany is great in regards to Holidays and vacation days..... I talked to my Dad for a little bit this morning..... now I need to get some work done around here... Love and Hugs from Phoenix to everyone.... (feel free to comment on my blog).... Silvia :-)


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