AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Monday, February 05, 2007

Life.....I wonder

Who would have thought life could be so difficult - not me at least. I was in for a rude awakening last year around this time, when the "sweet bubble" that I called "my life" was about to burst and then it really did - I was devastated. Support from good people in my life helped me back on my feet and back to living a normal life, so I thought.... but come to find out now that I am not sure anymore how to even live a normal life, never thought it would be so difficult to find yourself and what you want out of life. Well, I sort of have an idea but at times it would be nice to have someone "to dream with" and realize and work towards common goals and dreams. I guess the thing that is hardest for me now is "to trust"..... not sure if I will ever get over that, but that is definitely something that I will not forgive my Ex. I forgave him for many many things and I forgave myself for many things but to rob a person of the ability to trust another person is a very bad thing that is hard to fix. I am sort of thinking about life and what it is that I want to do. I am not really getting fulfillment out of my career and I do not get fulfillment in my private life - and the only real support that I do have (my family) is far away, so it is sort of not easy at times to see clear. Oh well, I guess I had to vent in my blog today.... I hope that everyone has a great February. Love and Hugs from Phoenix and thank all of you for your continued support and friendship, Silvia


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