AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Trying to figure things out....

It is Thursday afternoon here, I am at work, I am pretty much done for today but gotta sit here for another hour. I have been contemplating about my life and what it is what I really want and I just don't seem to be able to put my finger on it.... I know that I definitely want to go back to school to broaden my horizon but then there is the other part of me that would like a family. I am just not sure what direction to go, I don't know why this is so hard for me to figure out, I am almost thirty years old and don't know what I want out of life and feel as if my life is passing me by. I think about my past, back when I was still in Germany, the different life style I had... everything seemed so structured over there but at the same time I never felt in a hurry to make any decision on what to do with my life, now this has changed. I feel as if something is missing, at the same time I am not sure how to reach my goals, I cannot get much further in my career at this point and my privat life is pretty much non-existent too... I was invited to a wedding in Seattle in July - I am not sure yet whether I will be able to attend... Now since I wrote a whole lot about nothing I guess I will let you guys go and sorry that I have been boring today... had to vent somewhere I guess so why not in my blog.... :-) Everyone have a great Friday and an even better weekend. Hugs, Silvia