AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"Administrative Professionals Appreciations Day"

My Flowers from my Boss and co-workers

Good Morning to myself and the World and a special Good Morning to all the Administrative Assistants and Secretaries because it is OUR day. Let's enjoy it to the fullest - my boss had me reserve two hours for lunch today in his calendar and he asked me to make myself available for lunch as well. I was wondering why he would want to have lunch with me today until I heard last night during a conversation that it is "Administrative Professionals Appreciations Day". Also after talking with another Admin. last night from my office I heard that her boss is doing the same - so yes ladies and guys amongst us who work as Admin. Professionals - I guess our bosses are aware of thing things we do for them because they want to show us today that we are appreciated.... so let's enjoy OUR day today. On another note I watched "Broke Back Mountain" over the weekend and I can really really recommend it. It is kind of hard to understand (just a note for all my overseas friends if you plan on watching the American Original) but it is a really really good movie. Well - I have to get ready for a new day - and to all my fellow Admininstrative Assistants and Secretaries I wish you a happy appreciation day. Hugs to all of you from Phoenix, Arizona


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