AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Desperate Housewives - a serious addiction :-)

My favorite show "Desperate Housewives" will start their new season in about four weeks in the U.S. and the complete second season came out on DVD the other day - I love this show and I am a total addict - cannot wait for the new season to start. My favorite character of the show is Eva Langoria who plays Gabriel Solis on the show..... her and Carlos are just hilarious. And she is my Glamor girl - LOL.... Everyone have a great day.... Silvia

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More On The Leo Female

More about my zodiac sign "Leo" - Mehr ueber mein Sternzeichen "Loewe"
Found some more about my zodiac sign and got my
horoscope - want to go and see a fortune teller some time soon. I think with
all the changes in my life it might be a good time to do something like that.
The Leo female often has an almost stately bearing and is capable of achieving great elegance even though she is not necessarily interested in clothes as articles of fashion. There is a regal air to this woman, coupled with a sympathetic nature and good social qualities. Indeed, many female members of the British Royal Family have been born under the Sign of Leo...Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret Rose and Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, for example. By nature, the Leo female is passionate, loyal and loving when secure in the knowledge that she is loved. However, this woman can be exceedingly vindictive or bitter if scorned. Because the Leo female has such high standards in so many spheres of life, other people will rarely live up to her expectations. This does not necessarily worry the woman governed by Leo unless the individual in question is intimately involved in her life. This female is capable of showing love, forgiveness and kindness to complete strangers or mere acquaintances, but is often critical and almost unkind to those close to her if she feels they have failed her in any manner. The Leo woman strives to be a model of self-esteem, strength and confidence. She thrives on praise and frequently suffers without it. This female is a magnificent manager, organizer and who understands teamwork and can work well under the command of another, but will constantly harbor the ambition to be on top. In many ways, this woman is something of a "drama queen." Indeed, she sees the dramatic side of almost every situation.
Blessed with superb taste, the Leo woman would rather have one dazzling outfit than twenty cheap ones. In short, by her very nature, she is something of an extravagant creature and adores making a "grand entrance." Nonetheless, she has a deep and abiding need for respect from those around her and will work very hard at being noticed and remembered. She is likely to be surrounded by admirers at social events and will insist on being the center of attention at parties. Naturally vivacious, the woman governed by Leo can be overpowering at times with a magnetic personality that always seems to capture the limelight. There is something of a vain characteristic attributed to this female which tends to irritate others of the same sex and she can be arrogant and incredibly stubborn. However, she can also be incredibly generous and compassionate toward those who are close to her. To foster a good relationship with the Leo female, it will be necessary to ignore her shortcomings and dwell on her virtues. She adores being praised and, although many might perceive this as being hopelessly self-centered, in all reality with woman has an intense drive toward self-realization and possesses an unquestioning faith in her own personal values. In short, the woman who falls under the jurisdiction of Leo feels she was born to be special and is obliged to express this.
Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned in dealing with a Leo female is that she refuses to be ignored. This is a proud woman who frequently plays "hard to get" and expects a great deal from her romantic partner. As a wife, the Leo female is often totally self-sacrificing and absolutely unselfish. As a mother, she may well be over-conscientious on occasion with a tendency to expect her own personal high standards to be displayed by her children. Nonetheless, she will never fail to be extremely loving and extremely affectionate, displaying immense personal wisdom and refusing to heed the counsel of others when it comes to the rearing and management of her children. In general, the mother who falls under the jurisdiction of Leo will be a paragon of gentleness and tenderness, displaying the utmost ferocity if a child is injured or even reproved by another. The female ruled by Leo will expect a great deal from her family members, but also expects to give of her utmost in return. This is an altogether wondrous, fascinating and interesting woman...a "golden girl" who likes to be free, independent and ambitious until she gives away her heart, at which time she will become completely self-sacrificial in her giving. Generally warm-hearted and exceedingly sympathetic, this woman may well insist upon a complete estrantement if subjected to neglect by her partner
When it comes to the choice of a partner, the Leo female is attracted by a male who radiates warmth and shows affection in a physical way. The interest is heightened if the male in question happens to be rich, famous, powerful and/or handsome...thus, does such a man's glory reflect favorably upon the Leo woman. A male who commands respect will also be appealing to this female, as will one who is long as he can afford to be. The woman ruled by Leo may be particularly attracted to her boss or males who are leaders in some fashion. There is also a certain attraction here to men who are in the creative arena...actors, artistis, musicians or performers, for example. Regardless, any male who would win the heart of a Leo woman must be gallant, courteous and would also be unwise to allow this female to get her own way all of the time. Females who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo are drawn to ambitious men who are admired and respected and she would rather be conformed than be a non-conformist. This is a romantic lady who can be shy of showing it...she has to be won through the old-fashioned style of love and chivalry.
Leo individuals, regardless of gender, are far better fitted for mental labor rather than manual labor. The fields of medicine are highly suitable given the fact that all Leo subjects are sympathetic and their patients become greatly attached to them. There appears to be an air of hope and love of life associated with all Leo natives, coupled with a personal magnetism that can easily sway the largest of audiences. In addition, the Leo woman (and man, for that matter) is often an excellent cook. However, as a general rule, the Leo female does not seek employment in the business world, preferring a domestic life. In short, this woman loves the home and is truly a home-maker.

Friday, August 25, 2006

A bayrische Gschicht' mit Tradition :-)

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Ein Muenchner im Himmel
Alois Hingerl, Nr. 172, Dienstmann in München, besorgte einen Auftrag mit solcher Hast, dass er vom Schlage gerührt zu Boden fiel und starb. Zwei Engel zogen ihn mit vieler Mühe in den Himmel, wo er von St. Petrus aufgenommen wurde. Der Apostel gab ihm eine Harfe und machte ihn mit der himmlischen Hausordnung bekannt. Von acht Uhr früh bis zwölf Uhr mittags »frohlocken«, und von zwölf Uhr mittags bis acht Uhr abends »Hosianna singen«. - »Ja, wann kriagt ma nacha was z'trink'n?« fragte Alois. - »Sie werden Ihr Manna schon bekommen«, sagte Petrus.
»Auweh!« dachte der neue Engel Aloisius, »dös werd schö fad!« In diesem Momente sah er einen roten Radler, und der alte Zorn erwachte in ihm. »Du Lausbua, du mistiga!« schrie er, »kemmt's ös do rauf aa?« Und er versetzte ihm einige Hiebe mit dem ärarischen Himmelsinstrument.
Dann setzte er sich aber, wie es ihm befohlen war, auf eine Wolke und begann zu frohlocken:
Ein ganz vergeistigter Heiliger schwebte an ihm vorüber. - »Sie! Herr Nachbar! Herr Nachbar!« schrie Aloisius, »hamm Sie vielleicht an Schmalzla bei Eahna?« Dieser lispelte nur »Hosianna!« und flog weiter.
»Ja, was is denn dös für a Hanswurscht?« rief Aloisius. »Nacha hamm S' halt koan Schmaizla, Sie Engel, Sie boaniga! Sie ausg'schamta!« Dann fing er wieder sehr zornig zu singen an: »Ha-ha-lä-lä-lu-u-uh - - Himmi Herrgott - Erdäpfi - Saggerament - - lu - uuu - iah!«
Er schrie so, dass der liebe Gott von seinem Mittagsschlafe erwachte und ganz erstaunt fragte: »Was ist denn da für ein Lümmel heroben?«
Sogleich ließ er Petrus kommen und stellte ihn zur Rede. »Horchen Sie doch!« sagte er. Sie hörten wieder den Aloisius singen: »Ha - aaaaah - läh - - Himml - Himml Herrgott - Saggerament - uuuuuh - iah!« ...
Petrus führte sogleich den Alois Hingerl vor den lieben Gott, und dieser sprach: »Aha! Ein Münchner! Nu natürlich! Ja, sagen Sie einmal, warum plärren denn Sie so unanständig?«
Alois war aber recht ungnädig, und er war einmal im Schimpfen drin. »Ja, was glaab'n denn Sie?« sagte er. »Weil Sie der liabe Good san, müaßt i singa, wia 'r a Zeiserl, an ganz'n Tag, und z'trinka kriagat ma gar nix! A Manna, hat der ander g'sagt, kriag i! A Manna! Da balst ma net gehst mit dein Manna! Überhaupts sing i nimma!«
»Petrus«, sagte der liebe Gott, »mit dem können wir da heroben nichts anfangen, für den habe ich eine andere Aufgabe. Er muss meine göttlichen Ratschlüsse der bayrischen Regierung überbringen; da kommt er jede Woche ein paarmal nach München.«
Des war Aloisius sehr froh. Und er bekam auch gleich einen Ratschluss für den Kultusminister Wehner zu besorgen und flog ab.
Allein, nach seiner alten Gewohnheit ging er mit dem Brief zuerst ins Hofbräuhaus, wo er noch sitzt. Herr von Wehner wartet heute noch vergeblich auf die göttliche Eingebung.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Weiden meine Heimatstadt

This is my home town - das ist meine Heimatstadt
I was born here 27 years ago - Ich bin hier vor 27 Jahren geboren

Monday, August 07, 2006

Flowers - Blumen - Las Flores

Flowers on 08/07/2006

Flowers on 07/31/2006

Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy Monday. I had lovely visit from Kansas over the is the usual madness again here at the office. Wanted to turn in my leave for my Germany trip but my boss left the premises before I could do so. I was in for another surprise again today - I received another flower bouquet - last Monday I got one too - they are very beautiful..... Thank you to WHOEVER and WHY? This is the second week in a row - I surely enjoy the attention but a little note would be very much appreciated.... they do light up my cubicle though....Everyone have a great week - mine will be fairly busy. My mom is still in the hospital and I praying for her recovery. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In Loving Memory Of Luna

In Loving Memory of Luna - Zum Gedenken von Luna

This is my first entry in the months of August and it is not a good one. Lots of tragedy has happened once again in my life. My Mom is sick with her pan creas and not doing very well at all.... And as if this was not enough my sisters beloved cat Luna died respectively had to be put asleep because she had cancer in the final stage and the Vet said the only thing that can be done is to put her to sleep to spare her further pain.
Now I know many of you might say it is just a cat.... BUT let me tell you guys my sister is not taking it well at all and I have to admit that the first time I saw Luna I could have sworn that she had the soul of a human living on her inside. She was so attached to people like I have never seen in any other cat before. She shared joy and desperation equally with humans. If the family was happy, she was happy, if the family experienced pain, she was in pain. My sister and her were best friends and now she left us very unexpected. We will keep Luna in our hearts and minds forever and Katrin I know you are suffering right now. I feel your pain Sweetheart, but please remember to cherrish the time that you had with Luna and she has moved on to a better place now and one day you will see her again.... I love you lil Sister....Hugs from Phoenix from a very sad Silvia .

From my Sister to Luna:
Eine Brücke verbindet den Himmel und die Erde. Wegen der vielen Farben nennt man sie die Brücke des Regenbogens. Auf dieser Seite der Brücke liegt ein Land mit Wiesen, Hügeln und saftigem grünen Gras. Wenn ein geliebtes Tier auf der Erde für immer eingeschlafen ist, geht es zu diesem wunderschönen Ort. Dort gibt es immer zu fressen und zu trinken, und es ist warmes schönes Frühlingswetter. Die alten und kranken Tiere sind wieder jung und gesund. Sie spielen den ganzen Tag zusammen. Es gibt nur eine Sache, die sie vermissen. Sie sind nicht mit ihren Menschen zusammen, die sie auf der Erde so geliebt haben. So rennen und spielen sie jeden Tag zusammen, bis eines Tages plötzlich eines von ihnen innehält und aufsieht. Die Nase bebt, die Ohren stellen sich auf, und die Augen werden ganz groß! Plötzlich rennt es aus der Gruppe heraus und fliegt über das grüne Gras. Die Füße tragen es schneller und schneller. Es hat Dich gesehen. Und wenn Du und Dein spezieller Freund sich treffen, nimmst Du ihn in Deine Arme und hältst ihn fest. Dann überschreitet ihr gemeinsam die Brücke des Regenbogens, und ihr werdet nie wieder getrennt sein . . .