AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Monday, September 11, 2006

Has it been five years already?

It has been five years today that 09/11 happened. I still remember what I was doing that day. I was still living in Germany and employed over there. I was getting the afternoon mail (it was about 4.00 pm in the afternoon over there) for my boss and one of my German co-workers said that a airplane crashed and fell on top of the World Trade Center. At that time everyone still thought it was a accident. By the time I got home and settled in - it was already all over the news on every channel what really had happened.... It was absolutely crazy and unbelievable. Now it has been five years already and it seems once again like time just fly's. Life is too short it really is.... and we make it so hard on ourselves at times. Lets have a moment of silence today for the victims of 09/11 and to remember the really important things and values in life. "Stille Gruesse"! Silvia


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