AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another hot day...

My desk today on June 06, 2006
Mein Schreibtisch heute am 06. Juni 2006

My new T-Mobile phone
Mein neues T-Mobile Telefon

Hello Family, Friends and Loved Ones, Wishing everyone a great Tuesday. Today is 06/06/06 - what a date - I remember back in Germany on 02/02/02 a lot of people got married coz it is a nice date to be married.... well not so sure about today I think if I had the intention to get married and wanted it to be on a special date I would much rather aim for 07/07/07 - lol - well enough about that. It is another hot day here in Phoenix - and it will be like that until probably October or November. Although they are forecasting Thunderstorms for tonight - we will see. I have lots of stuff to do here at the office today - my boss has three different meetings and he will be on a business trip in CA next week and I have to get all his files and presentation material ready. I found out yesterday that there will be a rodeo with bulls and my favorite animals "HORSES" in October this year in Gilbert - I know October is still a long ways away but I really want to go - we'll see. Talked to my Daddy this morning on the phone "vielen Dank fuer Deinen Anruf Papa - vermiss Dich sehr" Well I better get back to work. Have a great day everyone and talk to you later, Silvia
On another note, I have a new phone with T-Mobile - a razor - will send an email with the new number later on....


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