AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Monday, June 05, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

Hi Guys, Wishing everyone a great Monday. My weekend was pretty eventless - got a lot done around the apartment though and did my laundry. It was very hot over the weekend between 107 and up to 115 F and it will stay like that for the whole week - pooohhh weeeehhh - that is when everyone just wants to stay inside in the aircondition. I did go and work out yesterday afternoon though.... I was really proud of myself.... Well I gotta go now - I have tons of things to do here at work. I'm wishing everyone in Germany a wonderful and relaxing holiday - schoenes Pfingsten Euch allen... Still don't have internet at home - it really sucks.... Greetings from Phoenix, Silvia


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