AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, November 17, 2006

In Loving Memory of Gizmo

I'll always love you - Ich werde Dich fuer immer lieb haben

Today is a very sad day for me. My poor Gizmo died last night, I am heartbroken - I will never forget him. He has been with me through thick and thin. My Ex, Norman, brought him home as my companion 4.5 years ago and it was really the only thing that I had left from our relationship. He was my comforter when I was going through very rough times and I feel like I wasn't there for him in his hour of need. Gizmo, please forgive me - I will always love you and one day we'll see each other again.... Love and many hugs, Silvia

Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day and have a great weekend

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TGIF - Today is actually a holiday here - it is Veteran's Day but my company doesn't observe Veteran's Day as an official holiday we have to take PTO if we want to have the day off - oh well, not too much going on here today anyways - a good day to catch up on things. I talked to my family overseas this morning - my sister now has DHL Internet - I am happy - that means I can send her all kinds of pictures now - you go Girl - LOL... I am going to start packing this weekend. I have all kinds of staples boxes at the apartment already. I am listening to the radio right now - the weather is supposed to be awesome this weekend in the high seventies, low eighties... I love Arizona in the winter time, can't get no better than this :-). I ordered the German copy of Glamor Magazine - really looking forward to reading it and comparing to the American issue - I am a faithful subscriber :-). I am wishing everyone a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend with lots of Luv in your lives :-) Love and Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia :-)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Silvia's Namenstag - Silvia's Saints Day

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Since I am Catholic, today I thought it was worth mentioning in my Blog that today is my "Namenstag" (Saint Day) in the Catholic Church. I heard this years ago in school that the "Namenstag" for the name "Silvia" was on November 3rd and of course my Mom who knows all about Saints as a true catholic always told me too - here is a brief story about "Die heilige Silvia"

St. Silvia
Catholic Encyclopedia on CD-ROMContains 11,632 articles. Browse off-line, ad-free, printer-
(Also spelled "Sylvia").
Mother of
Pope St. Gregory the Great, born about 515 (525?); died about 592.
There is unfortunately no life of Silvia and a few scanty notices are all that is extant concerning her. Her native place is sometimes given as
Sicily, sometimes as Rome. Apparently she was of as distinguished family as her husband, the Roman regionarius, Gordianus. She had, besides Gregory, a second son.
Silvia was noted for her great piety, and she gave her sons an excellent
education. After the death of her husband she devoted herself entirely to religion in the "new cell by the gate of blessed Paul" (cella nova juxta portam beati Pauli). Gregory the Great had a mosaic portrait of his parents executed at the monastery of St. Andrew; it is minutely described by Johannes Diaconus (P.L., LXXV, 229-30). Silvia was portrayed sitting with the face, in which the wrinkles of age could not extinguish the beauty, in full view; the eyes were large and blue, and the expression was gracious and animated.
veneration of St. Silvia is of early date. In the ninth century an oratory was erected over her former dwelling, near the Basilica of San Saba. Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605) inserted her name under 3 November in the Roman Martyrology. She is invoked by pregnant women for a safe delivery.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I miss them already :-)

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My Daddy at the airport -
Mein Papa am Flughafen

My sister and her boyfriend -
Meine Schwester und ihr Freund

The Birthday Cake - Die Geburtstagstorte

My Sister's 18th Birthday Party -
Der 18. Geburtstag meiner Schwester

My Dad, Aunt and Uncle in Germany
Mein Papa, Tante und Onkel in Deutschland

The Holidays are just around the corner...

My Daddy :-)

I am wishing everyone a great Morning/Day and a great months of November. Germany had a holiday yesterday "Allerheiligen" (All Saints Day) and most people were off and at the cementary paying their respects to the deceased.... For us here in the US it was a day like any other.... I am so ready for the weekend - this week seemed so long and also I just got back from vacation I am feeling pretty burned out. All the flying lately and the time differences are just a little much for me. It looks like I'll be moving again soon - rent went up and being on a months to months lease is almost ridiculous around here..... We shall see - at least I have all my furniture in storage than...maybe I can get my car paid off faster too - we shall see. Wishing everyone a "happy November" and an even happier Thanksgiving... Turkey day is just around the corner. I do miss my Mom, Dad and Family overseas already hard to be so far away from home at times...Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia