AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Another Day in Paradise...???

Frei nach dem Motto: "Ein schoener Ruecken kann auch entzuecken...":-) ----
moving on to my future and leaving the past behind...

Well - I'm here at work, had to go get gas this morning $ 3.15/Gallon for regular unleaded - Germany we are getting there.... :-) :-) :-)
I'm here at work now, have lots of stuff to do but can't seem to get into the groove of things today - have my Venti Vanilla Soy Latte from Starbucks sitting here at my desk - maybe I'll get into gear after I'm finished with it.
Thinking about home today - wish I was in Germany for some reason. Mom and Dad and Katrin I really miss you guys. Did some more packing last night - eventually I should be done I guess.
Update at 4.30 pm
I'll be leaving work here shortly. Had a fairly busy day today but that is mainly because I have a hard time focusing on what I'm doing. I remembered my school days this afternoon - back in Germany - and how easy life was back then - seems like such a long time ago. I remembered my old German teacher Mr. Etzler and how we had to write an essay on "Iphigenie auf Tauris" (
Oh how we hated it at the time but I still remember how we (the whole class) went to the theatre to watch "Iphigenie auf Tauris" - that was right around the same time I met my first German boyfriend whose birthday is surprise surprise today... funny how time flies and who would have thought that one of them days I end up in the United States - I know I didn't...... Well I guess that is life - full of unplanned events, tragedies and joy's. We just have to take it as it comes - in saying that I wish everyone a great evening and a wonderful and relaxing or exciting (whichever you prefer) night. Much love and hugs from Phoenix....


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