AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rain in Phoenix - Regen in Phoenix

Today - rainy, cloudy, memorable Phoenix day
Heute - regnerischer, bewoelkter, denkwuerdiger Phoenix Tag

Hello All, it is Wednesday but it feels like Monday of course after being off for four days.... I'm still day-dreaming about my weekend... other than that not much going on, my boss is going to Houston today so he will be gone until the weekend.

Today is a nice day here in the Valley of the Sun because it is finally not sunny it is cloudy and we actually got a tiny little bit of rain. But the best thing is that it is humid outside today, well as humid as it will get here in Phoenix. I'm loving it, my skin feels great and I can actually breath and smell the air and not just pollution.... so I guess the word for today is "ENJOY" Enjoy Enjoy - LOL. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia


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