AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday...Countdown to my move....


Enjoying my "new nails..."

Good Morning Family and Friends, Wishing all of you a very happy Friday and a beautiful weekend. I have to keep this short as I'm at work and I have tons of things to do - it will be a while before I have internet again at my new place so I will only updating this blog periodically as time permits from work where I still have I-net access. Tomorrow will be very busy and stressful for me and Sunday probably too. So I'm not even counting this weekend really as a weekend - I much rather look forward to next weekend -Memorial Day Weekend - which will be awesome and a longer weekend than usual plus I have something to look really forward too - smile….. But before that I have to get my new place taken care of and set up - wish me luck guys that everything goes smoothly. I'm trying to stay calm but freaking out a tiny little bit anyways…. Can't find nothing anymore either - my life is in boxes right now.
Well, other than that my day is not too bad, had a disturbing phone call this morning but it will be okay - I went and got my Starbucks and I'm on my way to getting back into my "good mood"…. LOL - talked to my dad briefly this morning too - miss them guys so much - can't wait to go to Germany for a vacation….. However long that still will take.
Oh and I almost forgot I treated myself last night and went and got my nails done yesterday after work - toes and finger nails - the summer is in full impact here in AZ and you can't wear anything but sandals or flip flops - therefore it is a "must" to have pretty feet (as pretty as they can get anyways….) and you all know I have a thing for fingernails - always have……. Well I took pics of the new "flowery summer design" I got last night - it was soooo relaxing…
Have a blessed weekend - Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia


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