AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday - Jeanne's last day..:-(

My co-worker and good friend Jeanne whose last day here in the Phoenix office is today
Meine gute Freundin und Kollegin Jeanne deren letzter Tag im Phoenix Buero heute ist.

My breakfast this morning - "good bye cookies" and Starbucks Vanilla Soy Latte
Mein Fruehstueck heute morgen - "Auf Wiedersehen Plaetzchen" und Starbucks Vanille Soja Cafe

My dear co-worker and friend Jeanne is celebrating her last day of work today - she is going to retire from the corporate world to be a "Stay at Home Mom" - lots of women in my office (including myself) envy her a little. I hope to have a family one day too - she has three children though and I only want one. Well I give myself a few more years on that in particular after recent events in my life I gotta make sure "next time" it will be the right person which can be a difficult quest. My friend Silke in Co Springs informed me today that her hubby found a job now and that they are getting a dog and that they are now working on a baby - sounds cool - and best of luck to you my dear. Jeanne, I want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend an mentor and such a comforting person and advisor in difficult times - I wish you all the best for your new life and keep in touch - you will be missed dearly around here.
On another note, I want to wish everyone a wonderful weekend - mine should be a groovy one - Looking forward to tonight - big smile :-) Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia


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