AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


A Phoenix Sunset
Ein Sonnenuntergang in Phoenix

A tight grip on my sweet Gizmo
Meinen lieben Gizmo - fest im Griff :-)

Okay - it is Tuesday - I'm tired - according to my tiredness it should be at least... Friday - ha ha ha - had three Expresso's this morning in my latte - pretty scary - don't feel like being here, got a bunch of things to do this morning and I do not look forward to it.... My car has its one months birthday today - and it is filthy - what a birthday and what a bad owner I'm already I guess. Worked out last night for about one hour - felt good to relieve tension and frustration - wishing everyone a good rest of Tuesday or "einen wunderschoenen Feierabend" depending on what part of the world you reside. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia


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