AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Thursday, July 13, 2006

FLORIDA - I'm coming

I'm getting ready for my trip to Florida - starting to look forward to it - love hot and humid - it will be a Wellness trip and I will be getting some good food at the wedding I assume - LOL.... nothing ever wrong with good food, in particular for a "Feinschmecker" like myself.... other than that I want to go to the local aquarium which is probably not going to be big but I still want to go. And of course I will be "chilling" at the beach - yeah - loving it!!! I wish you all a wonderful time and I'll catch up with everyone upon my return - and I should also have some pictures. Take care everybody and "be good" but not "too good"...LOL. Love and Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia.....

Unconditional Love

Love me without fear

Trust me without questioning

Need me without demanding

Want me without restrictions

Accept me without change

Desire me without inhibitions

For a love so freeā€¦..

Will never fly away

(Dick Sutphen)


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