AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

...oh joyful Tuesday :-)

Good Afternoon to all of you…. I just returned back into the office had a little bit of an unpleasant morning event but it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it could have turned out and I'm feeling okay. Of course now I'm not getting a lunch break and I'm sitting here eating a piece of water melon- yummieeehh. Other than that, I have quite a lot going on here at the office today, my boss is here and I have a meeting with him this afternoon and a Conference Call regarding out trip in Santa Fe which is next week. Time just seems to fly….but before Santa Fe I'm looking forward to a long wonderful weekend - the first one where I shouldn't have to worry about moving etc. in a long long time. It will be very hot too between 103 and 107 the weather forecast is predicting - we will see - but I believe it….. I guess it would be a good time to head to the pool for the first time this year…. Well, I have to get some work done now - wishing everyone a wonderful afternonn/evening/night and hugs from Phoenix. Silvia


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