AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Sunday, April 30, 2006

It is Sunday....

Hi Boys and Girls, Wishing you all a very blessed and happy Sunday - I just got up a few minutes ago - feeling a little "blue" today - I was watching TV in bed and drinking coffee - It will be one of them lazy days today I guess - looking forward to Desperate Housewives tonight.

Update on 09.04 pm - it wasn't as lazy of a day after all.... I'm exhausted now - will go to bed - Desperate Housewives was really good tonight.... Tomorrow is a new week and it is a holiday in Germany... To all my overseas friends and family - enjoy your holiday.... Good Night! Silvia

Friday, April 28, 2006

Poems, Gedichte, La Poesia

La Vida es....
Una Oportunidad, aprovéchala
Es belleza, admírala
Es bien aventuranza,
Es un sueño, hazlo realidades
Es un desafío, enfréntalo
Es un deber, cúmplelo
Es un tesoro , cuídalo
Es una riqueza, consérvala
Es amor, gózalo
Es misterio, descúbrelo
Es una promesa, realízala
Es tristeza, supérala
Es un himno, cántalo
Es lucha, acéptala
Es aventura, arriésgate
Es felicidad, merécela
Es vida, defiéndela.

Frase de hoy: "Una sonrisa significa mucho, enriquece a quien la recibe; sin empobrecer a quien la ofrece,dura un segundo pero su recuerdo NUNCA SE BORRA"


Rief da ein Mann?

Zur Nacht, weil alle Menschen schliefen, rief da ein Mann? O wie er rief! Zweimal! Zwei Rufe, die mich riefen. O Trägheit, daß ich weiter schlief.
Vom Flusse her ein wildes Klingen zweimal, und dann war wieder Nacht. Und ich verschlief das Hilfebringen zweimal bin ich nicht aufgewacht.
Bin nicht vom Lager aufgesprungen zur Tür und fragen, was es sei. Ich schlief, ich schlief bis es verklungen. O der du nach mir riefst, verzeih.
Heut morgen kommen sie und fragen: Wer rief und hat die Nacht gestört? Rief man nach Gott? Und ich muß sagen: Ich schlief und habe nichts gehört.
Es war nicht Gott, dem es gegolten, ich war es, den ein Bruder rief. Zwei Rufe, die zum Bruder wollten vom Bruder, und der Bruder schlief.
Er rief, damit es mich erwecke, zur Nacht zweimal vom Flusse her: O Mensch, wie liebst du deine Decke, dein Bett und deinen Schlaf so sehr.
Wie dumpf und stumpf ist dein Gewissen, wie satt und matt du im Erhörn! Ach, daß erst Schüsse fallen müssen, aus deinem Schlaf dich aufzustörn.
Ja, ich bin träg und taub geschaffen und ließ dich letzte Nacht allein. Heut Nacht werde ich gewiß nicht schlafen; heut, Bruder, muß ich selber schrein.

It is Friday........

"obviously she likes red hugh..:-)"

"Silvia in Red"

Okay Girls and Guys - It is Friday - last day of the week and we can start the countdown to "The Weekend" - yeah.... I know my friends overseas have already started their weekend but here in the U.S. the day is just starting. I will have a garage sale this weekend (my first ever) will see how that goes. Wish me luck guys - desperately need to get rid of my old bedroom set.
I just fed my rabbit babe and he didn't want to go back outside - the cutie pie - will have to spend more time with him this weekend - I think he is starting to feel neglected - I have been so busy with work and my evenings were filled with workouts, laundry, TV - all that fun stuff - you know how it goes. Wishing all of you a wonderful and blessed weekend - Hugs, Silvia

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Starbucks - Is it Love....???

The Starbucks in downtown Phoenix where I give into my addiction usually :-)

"...My biggest weakness.."

Okay Guys - Most of you already know but here is the official confession - YES I'm addicted to Starbucks and Starbucks Latte's and I have a committed relationship :-) This morning I tried one of their new creations "Green Tea Chai Latte" - to die for - yummiieee. I had Macayos Mexican Food for lunch today - so good but heavy

A new Day....A new Challenge

Good Morning- Silvia in her PJ's - getting ready to face the world :-)

Hello Family and Friends - I'm wishing all of you a wonderful day. After a superb day at work yesterday, a nice workout in the evening and a relaxing foam bath I "parked my butt" on the couch and watched TV - woohhooo - how exciting - just kidding - it was actually really nice. I went to bed around 9.30 pm - I slept well last night and feel rejuvenated this morning. My boss will be in Albuquerque, NM today and won't be back until Monday. We still have left over cake from yesterday in the kitchen - will have that for breakfast and nice cup of Starbucks Vanilla Soy Latte (Yummi). Well other than that not much new going on - just wanted to wish you all a wonderful day and a very happy and blessed Thursday. The weekend is just around the corner guys - yyyeeeeaahhh - Lots of Love from Phoenix.... Silvia

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"Administrative Professionals Appreciations Day"

My Flowers from my Boss and co-workers

Good Morning to myself and the World and a special Good Morning to all the Administrative Assistants and Secretaries because it is OUR day. Let's enjoy it to the fullest - my boss had me reserve two hours for lunch today in his calendar and he asked me to make myself available for lunch as well. I was wondering why he would want to have lunch with me today until I heard last night during a conversation that it is "Administrative Professionals Appreciations Day". Also after talking with another Admin. last night from my office I heard that her boss is doing the same - so yes ladies and guys amongst us who work as Admin. Professionals - I guess our bosses are aware of thing things we do for them because they want to show us today that we are appreciated.... so let's enjoy OUR day today. On another note I watched "Broke Back Mountain" over the weekend and I can really really recommend it. It is kind of hard to understand (just a note for all my overseas friends if you plan on watching the American Original) but it is a really really good movie. Well - I have to get ready for a new day - and to all my fellow Admininstrative Assistants and Secretaries I wish you a happy appreciation day. Hugs to all of you from Phoenix, Arizona

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Superstition Mountain in Arizona

One of my favorite spots in here in the Valley of the Sun - "Superstition Mountain" and surrounding area - another one is Sedona, Arizona but we will get to that later..... For those of you who are interested - here is a link telling the story surrounding "Superstition Mountain"

Update April 25, 2006

Silvia at the Lake in Laveen

Grapefruit Tree in the Backyard

Gizmo and Silvia hugging

Good Morning Everyone
It is Tuesday morning 7.00 am in Phoenix, AZ and I'll be leaving for work shortly. I will be going to the gym tonight and I'm looking forward to it - I feel a lot better after a good workout.
I'm still working on the Santa Fe Trip at work and I hope to be done with it soon. Other than that not much new going on. Gizmo is here with me just looking at me - my cutiepie.
Wishing everyone a great day... Silvia

Monday, April 24, 2006

Phoenix - DownTown

Wells Fargo Plaza Building in Phoenix

View of Downtown Phoenix

This is where I spent most of my days - in the Corporate World of downtown Phoenix

Update on April 24, 2006

Silvia and Gizmo April 2006

Corporate Office in Chandler, AZ
Happy Monday everyone - it is almost 07.00 am on this wonderful day here in Phoenix, Arizona. The weather forecast shows the high seventies, low eighties for here today and I'm about to start my daily routine. You guys know, drive to work, get a Starbucks Latte, work until five - yeah yeah yeah - all that fun stuff - wohoooo - I know most of my friends overseas are almost done or are already done for today by now - but not here in the U.S - we are just starting, well at least the ones of us who live in the Pacific Standard Time or Mountain Standard Time zone.
As mentioned in my previous post, I had a fantastic weekend and I guess I'm ready to face reality again today - ha ha ha - watched a movie last night "PHAT Girls" with Monique - good movie - lots of laughs. Also saw "Scary Movie 4" this weekend - hilarious - if you want something to laugh - go watch it.
Well, I'm wishing everyone a great day - just fed my baby Gizmo and he seemed like a happy camper :-).... Love and Hugs from Phoenix and everyone have a great week, Silvia

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Update on April 23, 2006

Geese in Laveen

Neighborhood in Laveen

Neighborhood in Laveen

House in Laveen

Silvia in Phoenix

It is Sunday and the weather is wonderful here in Phoenix, Arizona. We are in the low eighties and it is beautiful outside. Just came back from a walk through the neighborhood. Will post some of today's pictures with this posting. I'm having a wonderful time this weekend, I'm truly happy today and enjoy myself a lot....will be going for lunch here in a little bit.....

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thoughts on April 21, 2006

Good Morning,

I just woke up - had an okay night, didn't sleep too well anymore after 3.30 am but that is okay - today is Friday and tomorrow I will be able to sleep in.

I'm excited - it is the weekend and I have been looking forward to it and now it is finially here. It will be in the low ninties on Saturday and low eighties on Sunday which is perfect.

I will have to get my car washed today it looks terrible. I have to get ready for work here in a few minutes.

Other than that - not much else going on today - just fed Gizmo some carrots and apples - he is so cute - he was sleeping outside in the backyard underneath the little orange tree and when I opened the balcony door I woke him up and he came running to the door - my cutie pie....

Wishing everyone and great and blessed weekend.... Silvia

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Me in Houston, Texas and Vicinity

View of downtown Houston

Houston Skyline

Silvia in Sugar Land, Texas in July 2005

Thoughts on April 20, 2006

Silvia Hotel in Houston, Texas

Main Street in Maricopa, AZ

"..Gizmo doing tricks..."

"...I'm such a silly little rabbit but I'm cute..."

I woke up early today. I was awake at 4.30 am. I went to bed kind of early last night to make up for the sleep that I lost over the past few days/weeks however this didn't quite work out the way I planned I guess.

Today is Thursday and I'm getting ready for a new day here in Phoenix. I just took a shower and fed my rabbit. He is so lovable. I will be going to Starbucks here in a few minutes - I need to give into my addiction I guess.

I'm truly looking forward to the weekend. It will be a nice one and I will enjoy myself to the fullest.

I'm pretty busy at work right now as I'm planning our annual Staff Meeting for all my boss's Direct Reports. We will be going to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Wishing myself and everyone else a great, wonderful and truly blessed day. Silvia