AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, July 28, 2006

My and Yahoo 360

Me in Sedona, Arizona - Ich in Sedona, Arizona

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Today is the day before my birthday - I had a nice day at work here so far. They took me out for a birthday breakfast - also I usually don't do breakfast it was still a very nice surprise. I have a package waiting for me at the office which I need to get tonight or tomorrow depending on what time I get home.... tomorrow I will go to the Cheesecake Factory to treat myself and to the tanning salon and just have a nice day. 27 years old - can't believe it - and life seems to develop backwards for me instead of forwards... gosh if I think back when I was my sister's age 27 sounded old and I imagined myself married with a house and children..... well, I had half of that achieved already but it didn't last..... and now we will see what the future holds - I do want a house and a wonderful husband this is something I am sure about - not sure about children anymore.... we will Mom called me this morning and she said she'll call back tomorrow...I also received flowers here at the office.....
And now for all of you - since most of you have been bugging me about it - I started with my space and yahoo 360 - it is a lot of work so but I think my page is finially somewhat presentable - thanks for the comments already guys - and Katja and Clarissa thank you for your guys patience and explaining to me what it is all about - LOL..... now we wont lose touch anymore - great communication tools these days :-). Well guys I have to get some work done - I will catch up with everyone later and if I get a chance I'll post again tomorrw and inform everyone on how my birthday is going.... for now wishing myself a happy bday... Silvia :-)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Me with dark hair again - Ich mit wieder dunklen Haaren

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: Fluch der Karibik

I'm back in Phoenix and at work from my Florida trip. It was fun - and like always I just wanted to stay. I like the East Coast so much better than the West Coast - not sure if I'll ever make it to live somewhere in the South or South East but it sure would be nice. I haven't been feeling to well the past two days but I'm hoping it will pass. I have tons of laundry to do and I bought a few new things when I was in Florida. I love purses and shoes and I'm like a kid in a candy store when I get around purses and shoes. One day I want to have a big big shelf in my house just for my shoes and purses (my treasures). I watched Pirates of the Caribbean now twice and I have to honestly admit I could watch it again and again, Johny Depp is just too funny as Capitan Jack Sparrow... it is almost like he became that role... what a great actor. Furthermore I watched "Memoires of a Geisha, Lady in the water, Memphis bleeds, She's the man and Superman" when I was in Florida - I guess I'm up to date on movies again for a little while :-) It is nice and cloudy here today and a little humid and it is so nice - at least we are not having no 118 f today - what a relief. Can't wait to get off of work today but I don't look forward to going home too much. Being alone in Phoenix just totally sucks - oh well - the life I chose I guess or was chosen for me. Katrin please tell Mom and Dad hello from me and thank you. Much love and many hugs from Arizona, Silvia

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Greetings from Destin, Florida

Destin, Florida

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts Hello Everyone - I finally found some time to update my blog again....Just a quick update as I'm on the go. We also went to Destin, Florida - the beaches there are even more beautiful there than the ones in Panama City Beach. We also went to the outlet mall that they have in Destin and oh my gush, no comparisson to the one in Anthem, AZ. They even have a coach and Saks 5th Ave. outlet here - it was shopping paradise and I'm sure American Express is celebrating right now - lol - just I won't be when I get the bill...nah - just kidding, I wasn't that bad..... my shopping compadres where worse. But I was very close to buying one of the highly desired coach purses - since they were on sale for 70 % less than their original price - but didn't since they didn't have the color I wanted.... I did buy some cool coach shoes though - LOL. Okay too much shopping details but the female readers of my blog know what I'm talking about - LOL - don't you girls.... I think I look about ten years younger - my skin is actually nice and hydrated now and not dry and flaky like it will be again soon.... They need to move Florida closer to Arizona.... LOL.... Love and Hugs from Florida, Silvia

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Greetings from Panama City Beach, Florida

Hello from Panama City Beach, Florida. It is so beautiful here - I'm enjoying the weather, the rain, the clouds, the warm weather and the beach and salty air. Last night, I ate grouper (a fish that they appearently only have here in the South East), never seen it on any menu back in Arizona.... We also went to the Panama City Beach Mall yesterday which was nice also. I did not go overboard on shopping either - LOL.... best of all they have a Starbucks right next to the mall - suprise, surprise - lol.... well I just wanted to say hello real quick and I'll catch up with everyone when I'm back in Phoenix, Silvia

Thursday, July 13, 2006

FLORIDA - I'm coming

I'm getting ready for my trip to Florida - starting to look forward to it - love hot and humid - it will be a Wellness trip and I will be getting some good food at the wedding I assume - LOL.... nothing ever wrong with good food, in particular for a "Feinschmecker" like myself.... other than that I want to go to the local aquarium which is probably not going to be big but I still want to go. And of course I will be "chilling" at the beach - yeah - loving it!!! I wish you all a wonderful time and I'll catch up with everyone upon my return - and I should also have some pictures. Take care everybody and "be good" but not "too good"...LOL. Love and Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia.....

Unconditional Love

Love me without fear

Trust me without questioning

Need me without demanding

Want me without restrictions

Accept me without change

Desire me without inhibitions

For a love so free…..

Will never fly away

(Dick Sutphen)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jürgen Klinsmann geht.... :-(

Jürgen Klinsmann

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts Good Morning - I'm getting ready for work have to leave here in a few minutes - today should be a somewhat slow day, we will see... found a new favorite song - it is a German rap - it is called "ding" by Seeed.... pretty good :-) Thank you Schwesterherz for sending it....Other than that I read some beturbing news this morning - Juergen Klinsmann is leaving the German soccer team - he was the trainer throughout the championship and he was supposed to prepare Germany ffor the Europe Championship in two years and for the new World Championship in four years but he decided that he wants to spend more time with his family in California (which is of course a good thing as well) But in this case what is good for Juergen and his family is not so good for the German soccer team - however his assistant is going to take over - the best of luck to his successor and the German soccer team...I'm looking forward to my Florida trip next week - Florida - one of my weaknesses :-)) I. love the beach and the ocean and the climate and humid works fine for me..:-)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Yesterday - the perfect day

Me trying on a hat last weekend -
Ich probiere einen Hut an

Hello Everyone - today is Monday morning - and my boss is back in the office so "der ganz normale Wahnsinn" has started already.
I had an "almost perfect day" yesterday :-) I ate a light breakfast (blueberries, strawberries and vanilla cream yoghurt) and coffee with coconut creamer, I worked out for about one hour, had mushroom soup and salad for lunch, talked with my parents and showered and bathed with my new bath and body works stuff and pampered myself with my new lotion (Mandarine/Mango) - it was so relaxing - I also went to the movies to see "Pirates of the Carribean II" in the evening. So all in all it was a really a beautiful Sunday, just one thing was missing :-) and then it would really have been perfect :-). Well, I got to get back to work - busy day today. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The weekend - Das Wochenende

Storm over Sedona, AZ
Sturm ueber Sedona, AZ

Last weekend in Sedona, AZ
Letztes Wochenende in Sedona, AZ

Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts far my weekend has been fairly eventless. I cleaned my whole apartment, cleaned the balcony, did tons of laundry, now I will be doing tons of ironing (hopefully) I also went to the pool for about half an hour. Talked to Germany for an hour today and finalized my trip to Florida. Now it is almost five o'clock in the afternoon and I'm feeling a little tired. Hope everyone has a more exciting weekend than me - Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Take Care, Silvia

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Unfortunate Events....

Just me - Einfach ich

Good Morning Everyone, I tried writing into my blog this morning but of course I was running out of time again, so I just got started and saved the draft. Now it is approximately 10.00 am her in Arizona and I have been so busy all day already. My boss is in Houston but kept on calling me every five minutes. He unfortunately had to sack someone down there...I'm not really sure what was going on but I had to take care of all kinds of things associated with a dismissal. I'm sure I'll get the full scoop upon his return.
My co-workers want to have Mexican for lunch today - "great" don't I just love it.... hopefully I can find some chicken nuggets, or fish or something on the menu or maybe I'll just have fried ice cream, not in the mood for heavy Mexican food at all....
I also had to make some calls in regards to my own peculiar and afflicting situation with my Ex which is always an unfortunate and unpleasant task but oh well - there is light at the end of the tunnel....:-)
I will go to the gym tonight - try to anyways, although I cannot find my IPod - wonder what I did with it again.... still have tons of laundry to do. We also went to the Anthem outlets on the weekend on our way to Sedona - "dangerous" place but I did really well, they had great sales going on - and isn't that every woman's dream....lots of name brand clothes, purses and shoes for little money :-) LOL - Okay Guys enough chit chat...gotta get some work done... Talk to you all later.... Silvia
PS: Oh, and I almost forgot, Jerry in case you are reading this - you need to stop messing with me about Germany losing to Italy - ha ha ha - we will do it in four years guaranteed - WATCH :-) just got a little side-tracked this time :-) :-) LOL - however, we will at least be in third place on Saturday!!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rain in Phoenix - Regen in Phoenix

Today - rainy, cloudy, memorable Phoenix day
Heute - regnerischer, bewoelkter, denkwuerdiger Phoenix Tag

Hello All, it is Wednesday but it feels like Monday of course after being off for four days.... I'm still day-dreaming about my weekend... other than that not much going on, my boss is going to Houston today so he will be gone until the weekend.

Today is a nice day here in the Valley of the Sun because it is finally not sunny it is cloudy and we actually got a tiny little bit of rain. But the best thing is that it is humid outside today, well as humid as it will get here in Phoenix. I'm loving it, my skin feels great and I can actually breath and smell the air and not just pollution.... so I guess the word for today is "ENJOY" Enjoy Enjoy - LOL. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

Happy Independence Day America
Einen schoenen Unabhaengigkeitstag Amerika

Aus der Traum von der WM...:-(

We lost - wir haben verloren.....
Germany lost against Italy in the semi-finals today...:-(
DE hat heute gegen Italien im Halbfinale verloren....:-(

Germany lost against Italy today in the semi-final soccer game - what a tragedy - now our dream of winning the Championship is over... but what can one do..... I want to quote my Mom here: "Gluecklich ist wer vergisst, was nicht zu aendern ist..." and this old German saying or maybe it is just my Mom's saying who knows...but it is sooo true and applicable in so many aspects of life...

On another note, I had a fantastic weekend, we spent two days in Sedona...and it was very romantic and beautiful... the view from the hotel room was to describe it in one word "just awesome" - will post some pictures later on....

Wishing everyone a great and very happy 4th of July - after all it is "America's Day" today and as much as "our" defeat today sucks and we for sure can't celebrate the fact that Germany is going to the finals as we all aspected we can still celebrate 4th of July.... remember the saying of M. Mittermeier (German comedian),"An Grund zum feiern find ma scho..." (We always find a reason to party..."LOL