AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, May 26, 2006

..."Bienvenidos a Santa Fe"...

Just a FYI - I'll be at our Staff Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico all next week with no access to email or Internet..... will talk to you all later and everyone have a great week!!!! Silvia

Nur zur Information - Ich werde die ganze naechste Woche ueber auf unserem "Staff Meeting" in Santa Fe, New Mexico sein und dort keinen Email- oder Internetzugang haben..... wuensche Euch allen eine schoene Woche und ich melde mich wieder!!! Silvia

Happy "long" Memorial Day Weekend...

Apartment Pictures

I'm wishing everyone a wonderful and very happy Friday and a great weekend. Can't wait for today to be over - really looking forward to tonight - had a depressing evening last night - went to the house for one last time getting stuff - and it was my "final good bye" to this place filled with memories I guess...... BUT my apartment is coming along - the living room and kitchen already doesn't look too bad anymore and I try to clean one box a night - right now I have them all stacked in the bed room - eventually I should be done :-) I took a couple of pictures of the living room, kitchen and bath room - the quality kind of sucks because I took them with my cellular.......I'm at work now and I have to get started - again have a great and blessed weekend - in America it is a long weekend because of memorial day weekend.... and in Germany it is a long weekend too because of "Christi Himmelfahrt" on Thursday and most people are off today you guys overseas can't complain either most of you even have a four day weekend - lol Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Remember this?

Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht my Darling

Schade um die Tränen in der Nacht!
Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht, my darling,
weil schon morgen Dein Herz darüber lacht.

Im Hof, da spielte sie mit Joe von vis-à-vis,
doch dann zog er in eine and're Stadt.
Wie hat sie da geweint um ihren besten Freund!
Da gab ihr die Mama den guten Rat:

Mmm, Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht, my darling, oh, no!
Schade um die Tränen in der Nacht, yey-yey!
Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht, my darling,
weil schon morgen dein Herz darüber lacht.

Mich achtzehn traf sie Jim, sie träumte nur von ihm,
zum ersten Mal verliebt, das war so schön!
Doch Jim, der war nicht treu, und alles war vorbei,
da konnte sie es lange nicht versteh'n.

Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht, my darling...

Bis dann der eine kam, der in den Arm sie nahm,
nun geh'n sie durch ein Leben voller Glück.
Und gibt's von Zeit zu Zeit 'mal einen kleinen Streit,
dann denkt sie an das alte Lied zurück:

Hey, Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht, my darling, oh no...

Weil schon morgen dein Herz darüber lacht

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 tired....

Last night (downtown Phoenix) view from my parking garage to the YMCA where I work out

Good Morning to everyone on this beautiful sunshiny Wednesday morning. I hope everyone slept okay, I didn't but that is a whole other story and happened for several reasons - one of them was my "little rat" - he is not too happy with his new place out on the balcony I guess. He kept thumping with his foot and chewing on stuff and just making a bunch of noise. This morning he finially fell alseep but he was fighting it - it was funny watching him. I have to go and buy some foliage for the balcony so he has something to eat I guess other than the food that I feed him anyway. Well, I'm not really in the mood for work today - I feel really tired and just wanna go back home and I'm longing for the weekend…. Can't wait anymore - a three day weekend and it will be beautiful (smile).
I have to work on fraud claims at work today - still not done with all the stuff the lady gave me that was gone from the office and my boss is here too and gave me a bunch of stuff to work on. Oh well….. I just had some coffee but I have a feeling it will require a lot more coffee today to get me going. Wishing all of you a nice day/afternoon/evening. Silvia

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

...oh joyful Tuesday :-)

Good Afternoon to all of you…. I just returned back into the office had a little bit of an unpleasant morning event but it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it could have turned out and I'm feeling okay. Of course now I'm not getting a lunch break and I'm sitting here eating a piece of water melon- yummieeehh. Other than that, I have quite a lot going on here at the office today, my boss is here and I have a meeting with him this afternoon and a Conference Call regarding out trip in Santa Fe which is next week. Time just seems to fly….but before Santa Fe I'm looking forward to a long wonderful weekend - the first one where I shouldn't have to worry about moving etc. in a long long time. It will be very hot too between 103 and 107 the weather forecast is predicting - we will see - but I believe it….. I guess it would be a good time to head to the pool for the first time this year…. Well, I have to get some work done now - wishing everyone a wonderful afternonn/evening/night and hugs from Phoenix. Silvia

Monday, May 22, 2006

Survived the Moving weekend...

Leaving Laveen.....

Hello Everyone - It is DONE - yes I'm MOVED into my new place. All the big furniture are moved and most of the little stuff and all my clothes. I just have to go back to the house for some smaller stuff and for my Gizmo baby - the weekend was of course really tiring and sitting in an empty house on Saturday and last night in the apartment was of course kind of depressing. Also I found out how much it sucks to not have TV, Cable, Phone or Internet - makes you wonder how people survived 200 years ago. It got up to 105 this weekend and I thought I was going to burn up outside moving and carrying boxes - but I survived and I got a little tan (well it looked more like a lobster) but should turn brown here in a few days I would think - lol. But now I live in the big city of Phoenix, Arizona itself...Well, today is Monday and I have to start doing something around here. I'm almost finished with my Starbucks Coffee and hopefully should feel the wake up effects soon - lol. Everyone have a happy and great Monday. Silvia

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Afternoon..... "auf Kohlen sitzend..."

Silvia May 19, 2006

Well, it is already afternoon here and I'm still at work. Everyone is slowly leaving the office but I have to stay till five - can't wait to get out of here and home to my boxes. It is hot as "hell" here today, I was outside on my lunch break and I basically ran back inside - not sure about the temperature but it is HOT..... well well well, not much else going on - I'm drinking green tea with jasmine - sooo good... talk to everyone later - gotta make use of my connection of the internet -lol - everyone have an awesome weekend and enjoy, Silvia

Friday...Countdown to my move....


Enjoying my "new nails..."

Good Morning Family and Friends, Wishing all of you a very happy Friday and a beautiful weekend. I have to keep this short as I'm at work and I have tons of things to do - it will be a while before I have internet again at my new place so I will only updating this blog periodically as time permits from work where I still have I-net access. Tomorrow will be very busy and stressful for me and Sunday probably too. So I'm not even counting this weekend really as a weekend - I much rather look forward to next weekend -Memorial Day Weekend - which will be awesome and a longer weekend than usual plus I have something to look really forward too - smile….. But before that I have to get my new place taken care of and set up - wish me luck guys that everything goes smoothly. I'm trying to stay calm but freaking out a tiny little bit anyways…. Can't find nothing anymore either - my life is in boxes right now.
Well, other than that my day is not too bad, had a disturbing phone call this morning but it will be okay - I went and got my Starbucks and I'm on my way to getting back into my "good mood"…. LOL - talked to my dad briefly this morning too - miss them guys so much - can't wait to go to Germany for a vacation….. However long that still will take.
Oh and I almost forgot I treated myself last night and went and got my nails done yesterday after work - toes and finger nails - the summer is in full impact here in AZ and you can't wear anything but sandals or flip flops - therefore it is a "must" to have pretty feet (as pretty as they can get anyways….) and you all know I have a thing for fingernails - always have……. Well I took pics of the new "flowery summer design" I got last night - it was soooo relaxing…
Have a blessed weekend - Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday - busy busy

Yesterday when I went jogging in Laveen - Itook a picture of my "friends" :-)

Hello everyone - Wishing all of you a wonderful day/evening. I'm here at work and I'm actually pretty busy but wanted to take some time out to update my blog and just get a little "creative break". I called the insurance company this morning to finalize everything as far as the insurance is concerned on my new vehicle. My internet/phone/cable at home is no longer working anymore - I will be moving this weekend and than I have to get everything set up at the new location again - so you all will not be hearing from me for a while but everyone is more than welcome to email me at work or to my account as I can still check at work. I will let everyone now how the move and everything went once I'm up and running again at my "new home". Please think of me and wish me a smooth transition - I'm feeling a little lost right now - but it should pass once I have my life in order again I would think - I luv all of you and have a great day and weekend. Silvia

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wednesday - stormy days ahead...

Storm over downtown Phoenix - May 06

Stormy Day (dust storm) in Laveen, Arizona

Hey Guys, wishing everyone a wonderful and good morning - I slept very well last night - woke up kind of early this morning though - it smells like rain outside but it still hasn't rained - but we had a dust storm and it is still cloudy outside. I did some more packing last night - it is getting old - I feel very uncomfortable and unorganized here now - and the house is getting really really empty and just not a desirable place to be anymore. I usually watch TV in bed now because the bedroom is the only place that still looks somewhat normal.... Today will be just as busy as yesterday and the day before yesterday - yes guys I know I sound like a broken record but I probably won't sound any different until I'm moved and finially done with everything. Can't wait to be moved and have a long weekend that is maybe not filled with packing, buying cars, budgeting and having things on my mind that I don't really want to have on my mind. I know I'm probably stressing way too much over all this - but to my defense let me say - I'm GERMAN - you know we stress over things and most of us are not too fond of change - well I definitely had a lot of change in my life over the past few months - so really guys, can't wait for some routine to return in my days. I tried to be funny today too of course I don't stress only coz I'm German - it might be just the way I was brought up or it is just in my nature - who knows. Well, enough blabbering on, I gotta hit the shower and get ready for my new day - wishing all of you a wonderful, great blessed day/evening. Silvia

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

In Love with..."pink"

Okay most of you know that I'm a "pink-freak" - love everything pink - and have lots of things in pink, purses, hats, sunglasses, tops, shoes, pants, hair clips, earrings, make-up - you name it and I can never have enough pink stuff - and "boese Zungen behaupten sogar" - my car should have been pink as well..." well I'm not too sure about that - didn't want to take it too far - LOL. I do love my pink flowers though - soooo pretty and many thanks to a very wonderful and special person..... Have a wonderful night friends, family, relatives and loved-ones. Love and Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Tuesday - a baking day today

Waiting for some rain....:-)

Gizmo Mug Shot...:-)

Good Morning All, I just got done watching the news and weather forecast for today 103 F and clouds in the sky - we will be baking by this afternoon here in Phoenix - maybe a few thunderstorms by tonight (so they said) which would be nice - but we never get very lucky with rain here in the Valley, so we will see about thunderstorms. Today will be another busy day - have to fill in for the other lady who is out and my boss is here and I have two Conference Calls and someone who has their 25th anniversary with the company and we all will be going out to eat and now guess who had to buy the present and arrange for the catering - yeap that would be me - so I hope I thought of everything and that today will be a good day and a memoriable day for Lolly (25th anniversary "girl"). Other than that not too much new going on - took a Gizmo mugshot - ha ha ha - he is so cute - just fed him - the little rat. And I'll be off to work here pretty soon after a pit stop at Starbucks and the Dry Cleaners I should be there by eight... Hugs and Greetings from Phoenix and everyone have a blessed and sun-shiny day, Silvia

Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday - ohoh

The new "Team":-) out together today for the first time

More of Laveen May 2006

Okay Folks, today is Monday -wwooohhooo - best day of the week - yeah right?!?!?!?! I'll be busy today, one of the ladies in my office is in Minneapolis all week for training and I have to do her work, my work and my boss will be back in the office today - probably bursting with energy as he took Friday off and had a long weekend - so I'm sure he will keep me busy as well. Will be needing a lot of them Starbucks's today - ha ha ha - well we now have that really fancy coffee machine at the office too that brews all kinds of different coffee flavors, cappuccino's and stuff - well guess what, that is where you all find me about ten times a day - giving in to my addiction and trying to make it through the day. This whole week will be so busy for me, I'll be moving next weekend and I'm so glad when all this is over - well at least the car thing is taken care of now - thank God and it is my first day today taking my new car to work - downtown Phoenix - woohhoo - Hugs from Phoenix and wishing you all a great Monday. Silvia

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day - Liebe Mama, Alles Gute und Liebe zum Muttertag!
Love and Hugs, Silvia

Happy Mother's Day and New Addition

My new car May 2006 - Mein neues Auto Mai 2006

First off I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the Mom's in the world. It is your special day today - enjoy

I wish all of you a wonderful and very happy week. I had a wonderful weekend..... I felt truly happy and content and it was the best feeling....- it is so good to get away from things and to have positive thoughts and loving people and appreciation in your life - it is such a blessing - well tomorrow will be a new day -Monday again - and although I usually don't like Mondays, I'm in a truly good mood tonight and I think I will sleep perfectly well with sweet dreams....
Also I bought my new car as mentioned previously this was a task that laid ahead of me and was a big burden on my mind. However, it was such an exciting but also nerv-wrecking event, the first car in my sole own name - in my life - ever... a whole new experience - I had wonderful help and advice which makes me so very happy. I will post a couple of pics of the newest addition to my life.... Wishing all of you a wonderful and blessed week and sending very many well wishes, Silvia