AZ Desert Flower's Life,Thoughts & Updates

Friday, June 30, 2006

Germany rocks and 4th of July Weekend


We beat Argentina and we are going to the semi-finals....yeah
Wir haben gegen Argentinien gewonnen und gehen ins Halbfinale.... super

Hello all my friends overseas and in America. It is a day to celebrate, Germany beat Argentina and we are going to the semi-finals - yeah :-) :-) I was lucky again to be able to watch the game on our big screen TV here at work. It was a good game - kept me guessing right up until the end.... Germany you go - maybe we will win the champion ship - "Wir werden Welmeister" - keep your fingers crossed guys.

On another note, I'm having lovely company from Kansas today - and we will be going to Sedona - I'm really looking forward to my weekend. And most of all it will be a long weekend for me, I'm off Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday - a mini vacation :-) I will not have time to update my blog in the next couple of days, coz I'll have more important things to do (smile) but I want to wish everyone a beautiful and relaxing or exciting Independence Day Weekend. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mein Horoskop fuer 2006 - My horoscope for 2006

Me, The Leo Princess - Ich, die Loewenprinzessin

I got my horoscope today from one of the best and most trusted German fortune tellers (see below) - I also I found out that "Aries Men and Leo Women generally do not get along - as a matter of fact they are the worst for each other....well what can I say that would explain a lot considering my Ex "better half" and myself. Found this today and it just blew my mind - where was this information ten years ago? Hell even five years ago - well I guess now I at least now what to stay away from in the future....
Quote: "Aries men are never ALWAYS attentive to the needs a leo girl has. There are two things to remember about the characters: They are Aries and they are Men. What I mean is that, for example, they can be extremely tactless and insensitive(Aries Trait) and at the same time, they won't stop to think why what was said upset you (Male Trait). I think that's what astrolgers mean when they say that Aries Men are the Alpha Male...they truly are DOUBLY male.".

Jahreshoroskop Löwe

Liebe und Erotik
Saturn macht Sie 2006 immer wieder ein bisschen nachdenklich, ob Sie sich wirklich binden wollen oder ob die Freiheit nicht Ihre eigentliche Bestimmung ist. Doch Venus und Jupiter halten so konsequent dagegen, dass es gar kein Entrinnen gibt. Ihr goldenes Löwenherz werden Sie großzügig verschenken und selbstverständlich werden Euer Hoheit auch erhört. Von Juni bis August können Sie sich wirklich den begehrtesten Junggesellen oder die schönste Traumfrau aussuchen. Schön, reich und auch noch gefühlvoll. Das muss man den Löwen lassen, diese Beute muss man erst mal machen! Also, freuen Sie sich auf das Jahr 2006!
Karriere und Erfolg
Bis in den Mai hinein müssen Sie immer wieder Ihr Revier verteidigen. Neptun und Saturn rufen Rivalen auf den Plan. Doch Sie lassen sich nicht mobben und schon gar nicht um einen lukrativen Job bringen. Pluto lässt Sie die Schlacht am Ende gewinnen. Erst ab August flattern die Angebote nicht mehr so zahlreich ins Haus. Bis dahin sollten Sie Ihre Felder bestellt und Ihren Hollywood-Vertrag unter Dach und Fach haben. Probieren Sie in diesem Jahr ruhig mal etwas Ungewöhnliches aus. Verlassen Sie die ausgetretenen Pfade und werden Sie zum Vorreiter für eine gute Idee.
Körper und Seele
Es ist nicht einfach, Ihnen gesundheitliche Ratschläge zu erteilen. Jetzt wissen Sie doch alles besser. Venus meint es zwar gut mit Ihnen, dennoch Saturn und Neptun mahnen besonders bis Herbst noch zur Vorsicht. Werden Sie nicht leichtsinnig und halten Sie sich bei sportlichen und beruflichen Höchstleistungen zurück. Im Juni und Juli dagegen könnten Sie allerdings einen Pokal gewinnen, wenn Mars anschiebt. Wirken Sie mit leichten Speisen einem gewissen Hang zur Leibesfülle entgegen. Setzen Sie auf mediterrane Kost, viel Gemüse und frisches Obst.

Fussball Viertelfinale - Soccer Quarter Finals...countdown...

Auftakt fuer morgen - Deuschland ./. Argentinien 17.00 Uhr (08.00 am AZ time)
Prelude to tomorrow - Germany vs. Argentina @ 5.00 pm (08.00 frueh AZ Zeit)

Germany beat Sweden last week.... De hat Schweden letzte Woche besiegt

Today is a weird day, it is Thursday but I feel it should be Friday already. My boss didn't come to the office yesterday because he had to go to the vet with his dog and never made it back after that. Today he will be back but hasn't been in a decent mood lately and since shit generaly keeps rolling down the hill, if he is in a bad mood the whole office is kind of grumpy - oh well, two more days and than I'm off for four days from the rat race.Slept decent last night with some help but could have kept on sleeping this morning of course. Florian, Congrats "Alles Gute zur bestandenen LKW-Pruefung - ich wusste dass Du es schaffst". My sister's bf completed his truck driving license today in the German Army. Germany is playing Argentina tomorrow *freu* I'm really excited but the German team is confident and think they have a good chance of beating Argentina - Go Germany go !!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sleeping Beauty - Dornröschen

Petra's "sleeping beauties" - thank you very much for forwarding these - too cute!
Petra's Dornröschen - vielen Dank fuers weiterleiten - einfach zu suess.

It is four pm in the afternoon now and I have to say the word "Alcohol" sounds really good and right by now.... had just a horrible day today not coz I was so busy or anything oh no - "my busy" is probably going to start when I get home today.... but I just haven't slept a lot last night and therefore I had this headache all day today and my eyes are burning, can't wait to get home and just call it a day..... and I will be even happier once my "long weekend" starts - can't believe that I will be off four four days after Friday - Guys overseas I know you are laughing right now - but let me tell you these kinds of things do not happen to often in the American work environment - a four day weekend must be honored and considered "very special" if you are a regular working class person. You all know I'm a princess (in my dreams) so adjusting to the US work environment has taken its toll on me and I feel more exhausted than I used to in Germany. Oh well... it is what it is.... I will treat myself to something "royal" tomorrow though :-) I will go and get my "footsies" and nails done... and I had lunch at "Sweet Tomatoes" today and it was soo good and plenty and healthy - very happy with my choice. In saying that I will close for now and wish everyone a good night/day etc.... will be leaving here soon too and PA and NY seem to be drowning - watching CNN on the big screen TV here at the office....

Schneeeinsatz - Snow Assignment

Die deutsche Bundeswehr im Einsatz gegen die Schneelawinen dieses Jahr in DE in Cham
The German Army at the avalanche assignment this year in DE in Cham

I'm wishing everyone a good Wednesday - I hope you guys slept well? I haven't went to sleep yet, well I tried during a nice phone conversation that I had earlier - but the minute I got of the phone I didn't feel tired anymore... oh well - I will try again in a little while. On another note , I personally haven't seen snow in the last four years ever since I came to Arizona. But the last winter in Germany was really bad and long.... My sister's bf who is in the German Military sent me the above posted pictures from this year's assignment to help the people in the Cham area (where the snow burried houses). I guess the weather in the world has been crazy all over, all the Hurricanes last year, really bad winters, Tsunamies and now the heavy rain fall in the North East of the US - crazy crazy... Everyone have a wonderful day - sending very many warm wishes from Phoenix

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Rock in Colorado Springs, CO
Fels in Colorado Springs, CO

Me at the paddock in Queen Creek, AZ
Ich auf der Weide in Queen Creek, AZ

Good Morning - wishing all of you a wonderful and happy day. Thanks for the call yesterday Barbara, was good hearing your voice again after such a long time. Enjoy your Germany trip. Can't wait until I go myself - I'm so homesick for everyone back home -I'm having lunch today with an ex-coworker who will be moving back to Seattle - don't I envy him. He is getting out of the 114 F degree crap and will actually get to see some rain again. As happy as I was at first to be finially moved and have my own place I know feel how these apartment walls seem to close in on me and how lonely I'm - don't think I'm made to be alone and live alone. It truly truly sucks and the disadvantages definitely outweigh the advantages. I guess it all depends on what kind of person one is but I know what kind of person I'm - LOL.... back in Germany things were different though - being alone over there didn't suck half as bad - probably coz I never really was alone. I know that I need to make plans to go soon as I find myself more and more thinking even dreaming about my beloved Weiden and everything that goes with it.... well, hope you all have a good day. I'll talk with all of you later - hugs and love from Phoenix

Monday, June 26, 2006

Zerbrochene Träume

Old Home in Maricopa -
Altes Zuhause in Maricopa

Silvia and Josh

Christmas last year...
Weihnachten letztes Jahr
Broken Dreams
Nothing in the world it seems Shatters like a broken dreamIt is the ache behind the mean Of shadows silent and unseen
And in this fortress dream of sorrow exist no dawn and no tomorrow just hours that cut you as they pass Like little shards of broken glass
And yet another and another sometimes the night is meant to suffer but look up now and see how far they light your way like little stars
Oh if I had a star to shine for every broken dream of mine the whole night sky would turn to day and all my troubles melt away

Early Monday Morning...

Two days after my arrival...
Zwei Tage nach meiner Ankunft...

Me as a Blond? - Ich als Blondine?

A happy day in early 05
Ein schoner Tag im ersten Quartal 05

Good Morning Everyone here in the US and overseas - my weekend was not what I planned it to be, but it wasn't too bad either, at least I got enough sleep - next weekend should be much better though, hopefully I will be having a four day weekend and I might to actually get to go out of town.... and I'm really looking forward to that ...:-) (smile) My night has not been good, I'm truly having trouble tonight with sleeping - so I got up and I have been doing some more laundry (it never ends ha ha ha) - my boss will be back into the office this morning and we have a conference call first thing this morning... so it should be an interesting Monday. Everyone have a great Monday and one of them days I'll get to answering all my emails - please bear with me. Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Deutschland ist im Viertelfinale :-)

Hello everyone, watched the soccer game today - Germany beat Sweden 2 : 0.... now we are in the "Viertelfinale" (Quarter finals)!!!!! Ein Hoch auf Deutschland! Talked to Michaela in Baltimore today already - she was watching the game as well with about thirty other Germans - lol - On Friday we are playing Argentina - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed... Lots of Hugs from Phoenix, Silvia

Friday, June 23, 2006


My new "Cinderella shoes" - Meine neuen "Aschenputtelschuhe" :-)

Well, I'm here at work, things are slow - my boss never made it in and I'm stuck with filing for today - uuuuhhh - loving it - I tought myself a few new tricks in PowerPoint today - love PowerPoint and the cool things that can be done with it - will surprise my boss next time he has me do a presentation for him :-) Oh well, I'm wearing my new shoes today and I got quite a few compliments about them - HAPPY - I call them my "Cinderella shoes" because that is what they remind me of :-) and now guess what - they were really cheap - bought them at Wal-Mart but they look like a million bucks - LOL - naahh - not really - but I like them and they are comfortable..... and in my opinion they look good - you all know that I'm actually a princess - that is why I like glitter, gold and silver so much I guess - LOL.... yeah don't I wish - Princess Silvia-Louise - well sounds good at least doesn't it?

finally Friday :-)

Me - the Party Girl :-) :-) :-)
Hello All and yes it is finally the weekend - well almost - of course friends overseas - it is already the weekend for you and of course all my East Coast residents - you are already thinking about lunch - ha ha ha - it is only early in the morning here - that is what sucks about life on the West Coast I guess.... behind everyone else.... :-) What is to say about today - not much - it is not even a pay day - unfortunately - so I guess I'm just waiting for this day to go by and to start my weekend. I decided to have a "Wellness Weekend" this weekend, I will eat healthy, work out and go to the pool to keep my tan :-).... My boss might be back into the office today or maybe he decided to start the weekend early - who knows - he is probably not too keen to get back to the office.... Well, I got to get ready - the sun is already up and shining here - just like on any other day here in the "Valley of the Sun". Everyone have a beautiful weekend. Best wishes from Phoenix, Silvia

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Out of Africa....

Out of Africa - Tigers - aren't they just gorgeous creatures?
Aus Afrika - Tiger - sind sie nicht einfach praechtige Geschoepfe?

Okay it is afternoon here in Phoenix - only 2.00 pm - I'm getting tired - guess it is time for some more cappuccino. I got this cute picture forwarded to me in an email and I just fell in love with it. I think it deserves a special spot in my blog - I love animals anyways and Tigers are the only cats who like water and I just love this picture :-) - which reminds me one of them days I will make it to the zoo again - lol - since I'll probably never make it to Africa - the zoo is probably the best place to see tigers :-) Although my Uncle and his wife (Alois if you are reading this - smile) went to Ghana some years back and they actually went on a real safari trip- they brought back awesome pictures.

Let's talk about "Fasching" - a German tradition

Me this morning - Ich heute frueh

Daniela, Joe and Friends - Fasching 2006
Good Morning on this hot sunny day in Phoenix - it will be 106 F here today but only 90 F in Sedona.... well today I want to talk about "Fasching" - a German tradition - please see above Daniela and Joe and two of their friends on this year's"Fasching" - Fasching is comparable to Halloween in the states or the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. It has been a tradition for a long long time in Germany and it takes place every year in February. People also call it the "fifth season". People dress up as something and we go out and dance, drink and just have fun - God I miss that.... well Daniela was kind enough to forward me some pictures of this year's Fasching in February of 2006 - I had other things on my plate this year in February and that is why I didn't really take too much interest in this years Faschings activities back home - and I haven't really been to any Faschings party now in four years but I still remember the past and how much fun it was - I grew up with Fasching and it will always be a part of me and one of them days I'll make it back again for Fasching to cold, snowy Germany in February and celebrate it together with my "old friends"- I'll remain positive...:-) Okay enough dreaming - gotta get ready for a new day - it is Thursday - so one more day and then I can sleep in again :-) Everyone have a great day, Silvia

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

One hot Mama....Ein heisses Maedel..

Sexy Daniela

Hot Daniela - Heisse Daniela :-)

Okay guys, now you all know that this is MY Blog and the "show" is supposed to be about ME and my life but today I have to pass the show on to my beautiful girlfriend Daniela in Germany (yes she is German as well...LOL) - she got some professional pictures of herself taken - and all I can say is "WOW" - you go girl.... luv them - thanks for forwarding - you are one sexy Mama - Luv ya girlie.... Silvia
PS: Daniela and I have been best friends for years - she also belongs to "my gang". See more of Daniela on my other Blog "Friends and Family" (Go to "view complete profile" and select "Friends and Family" to see other pictures of Daniela & Co.

Only in Arizona - Einzigartig in Arizona

Willkommen zu Dingen die man nur in Arizona sieht - die Temperatur entspricht ca. 45 Grad Celsius - Welcome to things you'll only see in Arizona - the temperature belwo equals about 45 degrees celsius
Arizona Average Summer Temperature
Durchschnittstemperatur im Sommer in Arizona

Arizona Cactus - unbelievable in size right? l
Arizona Kaktus - unglaublich die Groesse oder?